How to make twitter notify always showing and not only when someone reply´s to meseage?


I´m trying to find how to let gcphone notification always show and not only when someone replyls to your meseage. I´m using the following script: GitHub - Nashsrc/gcphone: Telephone for FiveM by ElBichop

Thanks for the help!

I haven’t tested this, but it should do the trick…

  1. edit gcphone/src_htmlPhone/src/store/modules/twitter.js and comment out lines 64 to 68 and line 75 so it looks like this:
  addTweet ({ commit, state }, tweet) {
    // let notif = state.twitterNotification === 2
    // if (state.twitterNotification === 1) {
    //   notif = tweet.message && tweet.message.toLowerCase().indexOf(state.twitterUsername.toLowerCase()) !== -1
    // }
    // if (notif === true) {
        message: tweet.message,
        title: + ' :',
        icon: 'twitter',
        sound: state.twitterNotificationSound ? 'Twitter_Sound_Effect.ogg' : undefined
    // }
    commit('ADD_TWEET', { tweet })
  1. Build the gcphone vue app
  2. Replace contents of the html folder with new build files

Relevant GitHub source: gcphone/twitter.js at master · Nashsrc/gcphone · GitHub

I will test it thanks

i don’t have src_htmlphone it is like in gcphone with html