How to make string.find take punctuation into consideration?

Hi there all!

I’ve got a function to check usernames for offensive content or advertising. The issue I’m running into is that while it matches properly with a string of letters or numbers, when I add some punctuation to the match string, it ignores it and matches on the rest of the content.

For instance:
match string: .co
playername: TomScott <~~ it considers this a match

I need it to ignore compton and only match on

I’m using:

Config.illchar_strings 		= {"http", "=", "script", "www", ".co", ".net", ".org"}
local conName = string.gsub(name, "%s+", "")
if string.find(string.lower(conName), string.lower(illstring)) then

How do I alter string.find to get it to observe the punctuation?