How to make smoke grenade without damage

i want to make smoke grenade without damage and add affect when the player into the smoke

That’s not an ESX issue, turn to the main help forum on fivem!

check this,

I just tried the smoke granade days ago and it doesn’t hurt if you put “0.0” values

where the file i can edit this value ?

create simple script copy another scrippt "resource.lua and client.lua "

edit client.lua and paste thist

    while true do
	N_0x4757f00bc6323cfe(GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED"), 0.5) 

play with the values ​​and put the weapon with which you want to lower or increase damage

thank you :smiley:
another question
how can i check if player in smoke area ?

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yea (20charss)

Iam not understand :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
I want to check if player into the smoke to add animation effect :grin:

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