Hello Modding Folks!
Hopefully someone here can help me. I am trying to figure out how I can make 2 notifications appear when a triggerclientevent happens.
For example, using the outlawalert script. I want to change this:
AddEventHandler('thiefInProgressS1', function(street1, veh, sex)
if veh == "NULL" then
TriggerClientEvent("outlawNotify", -1, "~r~BOLO: Reports of a Carjacking In Progress by a ~w~"..sex..". All Units Respond Code 3 ~r~to ~w~"..street1)
TriggerClientEvent("outlawNotify", -1, "~r~BOLO: Reports of Carjacking In Progrss of a ~w~"..veh.." ~r~by a ~w~"..sex..". All Units Respond Code 3 ~r~to ~w~"..street1)
Into where "BOLO: Reports of a Crjackin in Progress By a “…sex…” is 1 notification, then the "All Units Respond Code 3 to “…street…” into another notification right after the 1st. It needs to basically happen at the same time or within 1 second of each other. It won’t all fit in one notification due to character limitation.
Anyone have any idea? Your help is greatly appreciated!
PS: Before you say I should ask in the outlawalert script, I already have days ago. No answer. So any help here would be greatly appreciated.