How to install the server on VPS


So I am making a dedicated server using a Debian 9 VPS. I managed to install mono and vsftpd (Tho I don’t have permissions to open the .shh folder in “Debian” as an owner :/).

I unpacked the fx.tar.xz file, and I downloaded the cfx-server-data folder.

How do I make the server work? Where do I put those files.

Also I have made a server on Windows previously, so I have quite many resources I’d like to use. Where do I put the resources file, and can I just copy my old server.cfg from Windows?

Thanks in advance

Take a look here.

All instructions can be found there.

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When I try to create a new file in FileZilla, no matter the location, I get the “Permission denied” error. Can’t transfer anything either.

What could be the problem? I did everything as in the instructions :(.

Yeah that’s what I used. Tho I get a bit confused. What I do with both the files?

This is what I don’t understand: Run the server from the server-data folder. (cd /d X:\cfx-server-data or cd /home/server/cfx-server-data)

what do I do with the

Your FTP user probably doesn’t have access to the folder you’re trying to upload your files to. Try using SFTP and logging in with your main ssh account (not root). Then upload the files to that user’s home folder and copy the files to the correct folder using SSH.

I am loging using an account I set up with this command: useradd -g ftp-users -d /home/ USERNAME

(USERNAME is just a placeholder here).

After that I setup a password using: passwd USERNAME

I created a password with a big letter, small letters and numbers.

I also put:


I also did the ssl thing with this guide:

You don’t need to access .ssh as it is a part of the system. Debian and every other Linux distribution comes preinstalled with Ftp server (pretty much SFTP now). I suggest you make a folder in /root or /home called fxserver or something and work off of that.

But I can’t make a file or transfer files anywhere. Also I think I am connected with SFTP as it says sftp before the server name.

Use the command line to create a folder if you can’t get FileZilla to work. We don’t provide support on how to use Linux. (Or (S)FTP for that matter.)

But why though. Use your root credentials that you access with SSH as they are the same. That is most likely why Linux is throwing permission issues at you.
FTP server is part of linux anyways so it does not require third-party installation.

Ahhh. That fixed it :). I couldn’t login with the root account previously. I was getting an error saying I entered a wrong username or password. Therefore I followed a guide on how to install vsftpd.

Tried logging in now and it worked :).

Ok, so I installed the server with no errors, but now I get this when I try to run the

/home/server/fx/ line 8: /home/server/fx/proot: Permission denied
/home/server/fx/ line 8: exec: /home/server/fx/proot: cannot execute: Permission denied

How can I fix this?


I did sudo. Not that green haha.

Tried doing chmod +x /home/server/fx/ too, but it didn’t help.

Nor does sudo or su.

Try this: chown username:username -R <server folder path>

So I did chown root:root -R /home/server/fx

cd /home/server/cfx-server-data-master

bash /home/server/fx/ +exec server.cfg

Didn’t work :/.

Tried sudo bash /home/server/fx/ +exec server.cfg too but didn’t work either.

May it be because I unzipped the fx.tar on my windows pc, and then transfered it to the server with filezilla?

I use the exact same server.cfg and resources folder as on my windows pc.

Try to follow the wiki instructions. Unzipping on windows is NOT part of the instructions.

Ok. I will try that !