[How-to] Install ENB + Reshade for 5R

Is this still working or? I might give it a try.

Yes it still works, just follow the instructions carfully

I figured out the FiveM has stopped working. Some other tool interfering is running: Some overlay, screen capture, streaming, game booster or similar software. Try closing any of those and see if the game will work. Reshade likes to crash with those open.

If someone can make a file with all enb or yeah to drag and drop in fiveM !!

Its honestly very simple to do, I’m making a video soon to show how. Please be patent.

its been done i released one [Release] FiveMVisuals Updated 5.19.17

@Polr Awesomekills cfg tells me to install Visual V first, do I need to install Visual V first then?

Ah, forgot about enb’s like that, visual v can be installed first but just skip to the visual v install steps first, it will work either way you follow it. I’d say follow my tutorial to make it a bit easier but its your call.

I did it without doenloading visual v first, my game crashed got corrupted 1 time and I had 1 other one that didnt work.

I may have a working ond now, can you help me with getting like redux?

I really like redux xD

The problem I had was that it was working in GTA but not in FiveM

Redux is pretty hard to set up and i have no idea how to set it up.

I got it to work! there is someone who uploaded a drag and drop file!

I tried to install with your instructions this ENB : https://www.gta5-mods.com/misc/clean-n-natural-enb-preset

But it seems to be not functionnal, i don’t have the same results compare to the screenshots… ( All game is in Ultra ). He don’t use DXGI.dll but D3D11 .dll, so i don’t really know

Hello, My game looks like this as well. This is not the enb’s fault at all. FiveM wasnt built to have visual v clientside and most of the visual v’s files do not work. Sorry for the inconvenience but its neither your fault or the enb’s.

I send you a private message to chek that together !

so, how di you solve this problem? I have the same :frowning: I have put everything in GTA folder, done the same with FiveM and… no luck :frowning:

check out FiveM visuals

I dropped the ReShade and ENB files into the FiveM folder and none of them works. I tried to drop them into the GTA directory that I use for FiveM. Nothing works. I dont know what to do next, so I need help.

ENB seems to not really work anymore, but I can use it to load reshade by adding both to my fivem directory, renaming reahde to ReShade.dll and ReShade.ini, as well as using this in my enblocal.ini


Any other changes break it for me however, I can get reshade to run without any crashes/ problems. Im running ReShade 3.0.6 BTW as i find it more stable for with gta v.