[How-to] How To install EssentialMode 3.0 & CouchDB

I saw so many people having issues installing and setting up EM 3

So i made a short & quick tutorial.

If you want me to make more tutorials let me know here :slight_smile:

Do note i may have missed a step…
I was half asleep! xD

@dracuslayer thank you for this
for those that have windows 10 creators edition just follow this after install and couchdb will work for you service - CouchDB fails to start after applying Windows 10 Creators Update - Stack Overflow

Also sorry for the mic gain D:

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Could you possible make a tutorial on doing this with Linux?

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short version, compile couchdb 2.0 from source.

i followed the official instructions direct from Apache with no issues.

@Docmatson Can you help with that? I’m very new to Linux so I have no clue where to start

I have no knowledge with linux sorry guys

Sure, If you are new to linux i suggest learning things by reading up on them yourself. You tend to learn batter this way, and that skill will be very handy once you get to the acctual coding of your gameMode part. I will however point you in the right direction.

A simple google search such as “how to compile from source (distribution name)”

So for example you may google “how to compile from source for ubuntu 14.04”

This will give you exactly what you are looking for. Once your system is setup to compile from source, you can follow the install documentation direct from apache for how to setup couchdb 2.0


Best of luck. PM me if you have specific issues.

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@Docmatson Thank you so much

for those that have windows 10 creators edition just follow this after install and couchdb will work for you https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44107334/couchdb-fails-to-start-after-applying-windows-10-creators-update