[How to?] How do i move the deafult FiveM chat?

Hey i tried to move the chat to the left using ccs but nothing really changed. Am i editing the wrong file?

We don’t know because

a) You didn’t tell us what CSS code you used
b) You didn’t tell us what file you edited and what resource
c) You didn’t tell us if you’re using a template, which you 100% should to edit default chat

This is not ‘the default FiveM chat’, it’s the GTAO chat which has nothing to do with FiveM except that you clearly broke the chat resource somehow.

@d0p3t i edited the CSS file that comes in
And am not using any templates, Just the chat that’s in https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data

So the chat in https://github.com/citizenfx/cfx-server-data is not the default FiveM chat? Also i didn’t really break as it’s literally ignoring the css file like whatever you do in the css file nothing would change in the actual chat. I did a fresh re-install for the chat and still like it’s not moving no where.

Note: Starting and stopping chat-theme-gtao does nothing.

That’s not the one you’re showing in your screenshot.

The one shown there is the one if you’re not running the chat resource, as shown by the [ALL].

I restarted the server and it’s working again. Thanks.