How to hide "star" in head?

Hello guys, how to hide this star? Because i don’t know which resource to hide this.

How are we supposed to know if you don’t share ressources names you are using?

This is my all resources,

# These resources will start by default.
start mapmanager
start chat
start spawnmanager
start sessionmanager
start fivem
start hardcap
start ■■■■■■■
#start scoreboard
#start playernames
#inserted trough ZAP ressourcesystem
start trafficadjuster
exec resources/vMenu/config/permissions.cfg
setr vmenu_bans_database_filepath "resources/vMenu/"
start vMenu
start mysql-async
start essentialmode
start esplugin_mysql
start es_admin2
start pNotify
## From ESX Pack ##
start async
start cron
start es_extended
start instance
start es_camera
start skinchanger
start esx_accessories
start esx_addonaccount
start esx_addoninventory
start esx_phone
start esx_society
start esx_ambulancejob
start esx_animations
start esx_atm
start esx_bankerjob
start esx_barbershop
start esx_basicneeds
start esx_billing
start esx_boat
start esx_boilerplate
start esx_clotheshop
start esx_cruisecontrol
start esx_datastore
start esx_dmvschool
start esx_drugs
#start esx_garage
start esx_holdup
start esx_identity
start esx_joblisting
start esx_jobs
start esx_license
start esx_lscustom
#start esx_mecanojob
start esx_menu_default
start esx_menu_dialog
start esx_menu_list
start esx_migrate
start esx_optionalneeds
start esx_policejob
start esx_property
start esx_realestateagentjob
start esx_rpchat
start esx_service
start esx_shops
start esx_sit
start esx_skin
start esx_status
start esx_taxijob
start esx_vehicleshop
#start esx_voicer
#start esx_weaponshop
start esx_advancedgarage
start esx_jailer
start esx_realweapons
#start esx_locksystem
start esx_legacyfuel
start esx_scoreboard
#start esx_duty
start esx_customui
#start esx_ladderhud
start esx_JobWhitelisting
start esx_mechanicjob
#start esx_taximeter
start esx_cartel
start esx_bikerjob
start esx_criminalrecords
start esx_doorlock
start esx_ktackle

## End of ESX Pack ## 
## Start Custom Script ##

start crouch
start fingerpoint
start handsup
start nonpcdrop
start realisticvehicle
start vrp_taxi
start PoliceVehiclesWeaponDeleter
#start nocarjack
start RealAITraffic
start esx-kr-vehicle-push
start hazards
start guy293_voice
start Weaponry
start LockSystem
#start policegarage
#start helipolicegarage
start lux_vehcontrol
start SexySpeedometer
start bob74_ipl
#start pmigarage
start z-loadscreen
start heli
start seatbelt
start interactsounds
start ffpa
start helipolicegarage
start weapons-on-back
start outlawalert
#start radarwhiledriving
start daveemotes
start distrtc_nogrip
start eden_accesories
start familyrp-styled-voice
start pvp
start esx_binoculars
start qalle-wheelchair
start esx_checkdeathcause
start knockout
start JF_SeatShuffle
stop police-shield
start jsfour-criminalrecord
start ffpsshot_aim
start tutorial
start Compass-and-street-name-HUD
start weapon_switch_anim

## End Custom Script ##

## Car Pack ##
start bmwi8
start lambo1
start lamborghinihuracan
start motor-r6
start rmodm4gts
start bentleybentayga
start mustang
#start policelambo
#start mercyamg
#start maseratipolice
start polp1
start lambolapd
start pol718
start ptaxi
start cbr1017
#start amgtaxi
#start victorlambo
start fastandfuriouspack18
start yzfr1
start kwh2r
start mercpmi
start lurus
start crv
start camry
start bmwe46
start lspd_bike
start lspd_insurgent
start lspd_patrolsedan
start lspd_patrolsuv
start lspd_spycar

## Map-Pack##
start policeexterior

Go to OutlawAlert/Client.

change “local showOutlaw = true” to “local showOutlaw = false” :+1:

Go to outlawalert/client.lua and comment or delete from line 148 to 165.

@ZerefGG @OfficialAeon
It works thanks a lot!

Do not trun ShowOutlaw to false, just remove lines 148-165.

Yeah, I follow @ZerefGG solution, but thanks for the help too @OfficialAeon

Why? Changing values means he’ll have the option later should he ever change his mind, deleting lines means that option is gone.

People need to stop suggesting that lines should be deleted as a first course of action, particularly when there’s an option for the very specific issue at hand. There’s no logic in knee-jerk deleting, none at all and eventually these suggestions to delete will cause issues.

soz my bad. you are right