[How-To] Getting objets serverside

After days of headaches, I’m bringing this guide to hopefully help people that can’t figure out how to get entities to be usable in a server sided enviroment (That is, in a server-script)

First, you need to request a client to create the object for you. I wanted to make the entity as server sided as possible, So the Client Event is triggered by a server script.



(Edit the x,y,z variables with proper coordinates)
The key part comes when creating the object. To give the object a NetId, you need to use
the ObjToNet native + the IsNetwork set to true.


local object = ObjToNet(CreateObject(GetHashKey(model),x,y,z,true,false))

You need to asign a variable to the object, because we are going to send that variable to the server using the getobject Server Event.


		AddEventHandler("getobject", function(object)


(In this example i just print out the coordinates to the server console, but you get the point)
It’s also really important to use the NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId, as it will get the netid of the object you are referencing.

If you don’t use NetworkGetEntityFromNetworkId AND ObjToNet the server will be unable to find the object, as the getobject server event example will only print out empty vectors: Vector3(0,0,0). It may also error out.

You can also use this trick when creating pickups, it also works, and for gamemodes that require players to retrieve an object, it’s pretty neat. You only need to change the CreateObject for a CreatePickup or CreatePickupRotate native.


local object = ObjToNet(CreatePickupRotate(GetHashKey("PICKUP_WEAPON_MINGUN"),x,y,z,0.0,0.0,0.0,8,250,nil,true,GetHashKey("WEAPON_MINIGUN")))

EDIT: For some reason the CreatePickup native returns the player model and coordinates. Looking into it.

Hope this helped!


thnx for u help

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Thank’s man, that’s so fine :slight_smile:

I want to try this for Police objects, so that anyone can delete them, does anyone know how to delete them with this method?

can u send your code on this im confused on it the client and the server please?

can you please show me your code to this I literally cant gte it to work please