[How to Fix] [SOLVED] Attempt to index a nil value (local 'xPlayer') - Server crash

thanks a lot man, its working now.
didn’t know that a simple parameter could make my script finally working. THX a lot <3

How do i fix this?: SCRIPT ERROR: [string “…”]:83: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘spawn’)

SCRIPT ERROR: @CrewSystem/Server/Configurate.lua:47
anyone know how to fix this ?"???

You are amazing lol. Thank you! you understand that for years to come people can come here and you will still be helping people without even knowing lol. Thanks dude!

help me this error local xPlayer = qbCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source) how to change esx

Someone a clew how to fix it on this code?

        MySQL.Async.execute('UPDATE users SET skin = @data WHERE identifier = @identifier', {
            ['@data'] = json.encode(data),
            ['@identifier'] = xPlayer.identifier


i need some help once a player clicks its character at the selection screen and loads in this error appears / how does one fix it?

yea i have also that problem idk

How can i Fix that?

can you post the source gain its not up.

Script error @appearance/server/main.lua.45: attempt to index a nill value (local ´player`;

Thanks, helped :grin:

I am pretty sure this should not crash the server.

hi i have this issue in two skripts: here is the error of one

SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_repairkit/server/main.lua:87: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘xPlayer’)

this is the part

function MecanoOnline()

local xPlayers = ESX.GetPlayers()

MechanicConnected = 0

for i=1, #xPlayers, 1 do
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(xPlayers[i])
	if xPlayer.job.name == mechanicjob then
		MechanicConnected = MechanicConnected + 1

SetTimeout(10000, MecanoOnline)


Please guys help :frowning:

HOW i do that here

ESX.RegisterServerCallback(‘inside-shoprobbery:PoliceAmount’, function(source, cb)
police = 0
for _, playerId in pairs(ESX.GetPlayers()) do
xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerId)
if xPlayer.job.name == ‘police’ then
police = police + 1
I dont get it.

RegisterCommand(“rev”, function(source, args)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
if xPlayer.getGroup() == “support” or xPlayer.getGroup() == “mod” or xPlayer.getGroup() == “admin” or xPlayer.getGroup() == “superadmin” or xPlayer.getGroup() == “manager” or xPlayer.getGroup() == “pl” then
local zPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(args[1])
TriggerClientEvent(“esx_ambulancejob:revive”, zPlayer.source)
local embed = {
[“color”] = “10038562”,
[“title”] = “Eine Person wurde gerevt”,
[“description”] = “Admin: “…GetPlayerName(xPlayer.source)…” (”…xPlayer.getIdentifier()…“)\nTarget: “…GetPlayerName(args[1])…” (”…zPlayer.getIdentifier()…“)”,
[“footer”] = {
[“text”] = “Datum: “…os.date(”%x %X %p”),
PerformHttpRequest(“”, function(err, text, headers) end, ‘POST’, json.encode({username = “GMRP | Bot”, avatar_url = avatar, embeds = embed}), { [‘Content-Type’] = ‘application/json’ })

can you help me here