How to fix font flashing when add font into server?

When I add font into the sever it got flashing
How to fix it ?

bottle 2

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What is the script you use?

This isn’t probably a bug from FiveM it is a script you are using, if this flashing appears everythere, then it could actually be one, otherwise go to the main topic of the resource you got there.

I hope I could help, have a nice day :hamburger: :mascot:

I do the same thing which this forum to add font

Probably a loop running slow

Where do i need to fix ?

Just say us, have you done it by yourself or do you use any resource from otherones for it?

Wether or not, you will have something like this somewhere:

   while true do

        -- some code


If the number is not 0 set it to it, otherwise check for other wait functions, and if there are any, get rid of them, cause this function needs to be called every tick.

If this all does not help, send us the code you’re on.

Thanks :hamburger: :mascot:

In my folder resource/font in client.lua I use this code to register the font

    RegisterFontFile('dog') -- the name of your .gfx, without .gfx

when I want to add font to any script i just

local fontId
fontId = RegisterFontId('dog')

you are doing this only once, and not in a loop, right?

Like this

ESX.Game.Utils.DrawText3D = function(coords, text, size)
	local onScreen, x, y = World3dToScreen2d(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z)
	local camCoords      = GetGameplayCamCoords()
	local dist           = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(camCoords, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, true)
	local size           = size

	if size == nil then
		size = 1

	local scale = (size / dist) * 2
	local fov   = (1 / GetGameplayCamFov()) * 100
	local scale = scale * fov
	local fontId
	fontId = RegisterFontId('dog')

	if onScreen then
		SetTextScale(0.0 * scale, 0.55 * scale)
		SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255)
		SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255)

		DrawText(x, y)

You should only do this once, not for every text.

Thank you , sir . Do you know how to fix font flashing in game ?

Show us the code where you call DrawText3d()

In es_extend\client\main.lua
------------- I want to change font when I drop the item -----------

	while true do

		local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
		local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
		-- if there's no nearby pickups we can wait a bit to save performance
		if next(pickups) == nil then

		for k,v in pairs(pickups) do
			local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, v.coords.x, v.coords.y, v.coords.z, true)
			local closestPlayer, closestDistance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()

			if distance <= 5.0 then
					x = v.coords.x,
					y = v.coords.y,
					z = v.coords.z + 0.25
				}, v.label)

			if (closestDistance == -1 or closestDistance > 3) and distance <= 1.0 and not v.inRange and IsPedOnFoot(playerPed) then
				PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'PICK_UP', 'HUD_FRONTEND_DEFAULT_SOUNDSET', false)
				v.inRange = true
if next(pickups) == nil then

This is probably what causes your problem. Try to remove it temporarily to see if it works as expected and then find a workaround.

anyone know how to change font for blip text ?

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