[How-to] Disable Weapon Pickups the right way

This is too small to have a release so instead, this is how to disable weapon pickups the right way.
Most people use the code below in the credits but it needs to be looped and uses a lot of CPU but last night I figured out the right way. N_0x616093ec6b139dd9 basically disables the player’s ability to pick up, pickups. This seems to also work for any pickups.


function RemoveWeaponDrops()
    for a = 1, #pickupList do
		N_0x616093ec6b139dd9(PlayerId(), GetHashKey(pickupList[a]), false)

I also made a little resource for it: Github

Thanks to @xander1998 for the weapon pickup list on his post.


Thanks for sharing that is indeed pretty good :slight_smile:
Just a quick optimization trick for you, even though in that situation it isn’t in a loop so it won’t be that much but let’s say that it’s a good practice.

#1 You should use :


instead of :


as explained in : https://cookbook.fivem.net/2019/06/23/lua-support-for-compile-time-jenkins-hashes/

#2 You place PlayerId() out of the "for"
So that would look like this :

local myPed = PlayerId()
for a = 1, #pickupList do
    N_0x616093ec6b139dd9(myPed, GetHashKey(pickupList[a]), false)

Oh and if you edited every hash with what i said in #1, remember to remove GetHashKey from the loop :sweat_smile:

Thanks again and have a great day!


I had an almost identical way of doing it too… https://prnt.sc/tvy3ko
Creepy stuff… Good work though. :slight_smile: Except I’m using the GetEntityCoords native grabbing the coords of the PlayerPed when upon dropping; the player can still see said item, but other’s technically can’t pick it up, hopefully that makes sense.

I wonder if looping DisablePlayerVehicleRewards is needed anymore when using this, since those are technically pickups too if I remember correctly.

How did you find the native?

By accident, was looking for a way to make optimize the pickup and came across it in the native reference. You can find it here.

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Nice catch then, with this native are DisablePlayerVehicleRewards and SetPedDropsWeaponsWhenDead still needed?

You still need DisablePlayerVehicleRewards since that deals with getting weapons from the vehicle but I do not believe you need SetPedDropsWeaponsWhenDead since the weapon pickups for the players are disabled. Note though, for DisablePlayerVehicleRewards, you could manually go into the vehicle.meta and remove the weapon rewards from the cars.

I know but I never bothered doing it, does DisablePlayerVehicleRewards have to be looped every frame or once in a while?

I do not know the exact answer to that as I have not experimented much with it.

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where do we put the code?

did you find out where tis goes ?

It belongs in the client sided script portion of a Lua script