I wanna know how to detect if player is on console that shows up by pressing f8
and ofc I don’t want to detect it by key detection like IsControlReleased
I wanna know how to detect if player is on console that shows up by pressing f8
and ofc I don’t want to detect it by key detection like IsControlReleased
This is not possible, what would be the usecase of doing such?
well I cannot share the details about it but I need a way to know if player opened f8
That is super Sus lol
Why not? Looks like ur only option.
You can probably do it from js in html, with document.body.onkeydown.
It will look like this.
document.body.onkeydown = function(e){
//F8 == 119 (keyCode)
alert(String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)+" --> "+e.keyCode);
Thank you my friend but we can detect it by Lua with :
the problem is when player opened the f8 before joining to server
anyway thanks for sharing your idea and I’m going to use your code for my NUI projects
A player can’t do a lot with the console feature. I don’t see why you would need to know how to do this unless your doing something I have never seen before.
Is the use you are going to make of F8 detecting something related to exec?
yes I’m doing something for detecting some stuff
no that is another case, I was trying to detect some other stuff that f8 console ruins it
anyway I found another way and don’t need to know if player opened f8 or not
if the client can do anything with their f8 console it means your code is insecure and no “anticheat” is going to remedy that
IsControlJustReleased is not detecting when some1 press f8, like it would be blocked