How To Create A Scripted Driving Sequence

Hmmm - I was considering this for my plane AI stuff…

Your question you want to answer is:
Do you want something that’s dynamic and can potentially handle different scenarios, or do you online need it for this one thing, or do you need it so specific that you don’t mind doing it once for every scenario.

If it’s the second thing, what you’re looking for is a ‘recording’ but there’s not much documentation on it…there also used to be a one-sync clone video I would go back to here:

But it looks like the video’s down.

I’d recommend doing research and playing with the natives that are called “wayback recording” or “vehicle recording” (especially if they have it for missions like the franklin mission, or the one with devin weston’s assistant…) - you’ll likely find it.

Let us know if you get stuck tho!

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