Hello everybody. I need some help in the streaming of peds (change skins), because it does not work at the moment. With this topics I am refering to the instructions of the topic “[How-to] Stream add-on peds”. To eliminate certain sources of error, I have the following questions:
Do I need to create a completly new “asset” folder, with a “stream” folder in it? Or is it meant that I need to put the
Ped-files in the already existing “assets” folder for the vehicles? -
“Make sure the value corresponds with the filename you added without its extension.”
-> In which line of code, I need to replace the value with the name of the character model?
Is it this one?: female_example_model_name_01 or CIVFEMALE or even another
one? -
“Add the peds.meta to the files{} table of __resource.lua.”
-> The “__resource.lua” file for the vehicle stream is completly empty, as it is described in the instruction for such (Btw.
the streaming of vehicles works)
Do I need to create a second “__resource.lua” file for the peds? And when yes, which table is meant and where do I get
the table? -
"Add the directive for this file: data_file “PED_METADATA_FILE” “peds.meta”
-> Where (In which file?) do I need to add the directive for “peds.meta”? -
I use the Lambda Menu instead the Reborn Trainer, as described above. Is the streaming of Peds and the Lambda Menu
I would be very thankful for help, as I just don`t know that to do. I tried all possbilities, but it just does not work.
Thank you very much in advance