How to change skin

Hello everybody. I need some help in the streaming of peds (change skins), because it does not work at the moment. With this topics I am refering to the instructions of the topic “[How-to] Stream add-on peds”. To eliminate certain sources of error, I have the following questions:

  1. Do I need to create a completly new “asset” folder, with a “stream” folder in it? Or is it meant that I need to put the
    Ped-files in the already existing “assets” folder for the vehicles?

  2. “Make sure the value corresponds with the filename you added without its extension.”
    -> In which line of code, I need to replace the value with the name of the character model?
    Is it this one?: female_example_model_name_01 or CIVFEMALE or even another

  3. “Add the peds.meta to the files{} table of __resource.lua.”
    -> The “__resource.lua” file for the vehicle stream is completly empty, as it is described in the instruction for such (Btw.
    the streaming of vehicles works)
    Do I need to create a second “__resource.lua” file for the peds? And when yes, which table is meant and where do I get
    the table?

  4. "Add the directive for this file: data_file “PED_METADATA_FILE” “peds.meta”
    -> Where (In which file?) do I need to add the directive for “peds.meta”?

  5. I use the Lambda Menu instead the Reborn Trainer, as described above. Is the streaming of Peds and the Lambda Menu

I would be very thankful for help, as I just don`t know that to do. I tried all possbilities, but it just does not work.

Thank you very much in advance

you can have 1 stream folder for all you assets yes or multiple either way will work as long as its set up properly if its a replacement texture that changes an existing ped in the game then just putting it in stream folder in one of you assets should work if its an addon then you need the peds.meta and the directive for the file