How to change language

hi, i need help because i have problem, my FiveM is in Chinese, I have English for single player, how to change the language to English ?

Is your computer’s language set in Chinese? OR do you have the Chinese language package installed on your computer?

i have set english and maybe i have this chineese launguage package, what can I do ?

Delete the Chinese language package if it’s installed then try again.

I’m from Poland, my basic language is Polish, second is english

I did the reinstallation and I have another problem, Now I have “no fivem ticket was specified. if this is an offline server, maybe set sv_lan?”

This is a known issue. Please allow it some time. The dev’s are working on a fix

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OK, no problem, thanks for the conversation and answer, unfortunately I must play on the Chinese language


I’m having the same issue, but as @Indominus has already said, FiveM is experiencing issues. Just give it some time, It’s just FiveM! (I found out after trying to make a new key that it’s down.)

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ok I understand, I will just wait

@KaasKoppie stop posting this in all the threads…

I will, No problem! Just trying to help.

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Closing this topic so it doesn’t get derailed. @FraTeRxD If you require assistance with your original language issue once FiveM is working again, please flag this post and ask for the topic to be re-open.

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