[How to] Change font server?

Can you guide me how to create the font, please?
I’m stuck in this step.

you need swfmill.exe and gfxexport.exe. create a xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>

<movie version="8" width="320" height="240" framerate="12">
      <font id="Fira Sans" import="fs.ttf" name="Fira Sans"/>

Fira Sans is name of your font, fs.ttf is your font file

run cmd and cd to swfmill.exe folder
convert your .ttf to a .swf. type swfmill simple in.xml out.swf in your cmd.
convert the .swf to .gfx. type gfxexport out.swf
done, you have a .gfx font now.


Contact me Alfkrah.#9594

Hi bro. I have already create font. But when using it in Blips Map, it not showing correct, some of them have [] [] like this. Can you help me this. Thanks