How to Change Default chat resource to fade

I am looking to change up the current chat resource as the box does not fade out. Is it possible to have it fade out when not active? I also need to change the blue color as well.
Is this able to be done with the default chat resource for qb-core?

Check your keybindings in settings. There should be a keybind to toggle chat (if I’m correct the default keybind is L).

oh wow that works! Is there anyway to have this set on the server side to have it default to “When active?” I also do not want the client to have an option to change this. Possible?

Yes: chat/cl_chat.lua

Line 228

local chatHideState = kvpEntry and tonumber(kvpEntry) or CHAT_HIDE_STATES.SHOW_WHEN_ACTIVE
local isFirstHide = true

Change To

local isFirstHide = false
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perfect! Thanks!!!

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