Hello, so i wanted to ask if someone has got any advice how to begin scripting in FiveM with LUA.
Yes, i already looked through a couple of beginner tutorials for scripting in FiveM. But all of them were not so good.
Thank you for reading !
I just looked at other scripts that other authors made to see how they worked and see if I could incorporate any of their ideas into the script that I was trying to make. I also recommend looking here at the natives and the functions to use.
How I started was learned the basics of LUA, then looked at some basic tutorials while also looking at other scripts such as the ones in Scammer’s Script Collection. Try finding something not too simple but not too hard to work on and if you get stuck, feel free to ask on the forums in the discussion area.
Also, something that got me confused at first that I think everyone starting out should know is that natives in the Natives Reference look something like SET_PED_IS_DRUNK
but in lua the functions you invoke would look like SetPedIsDrunk(ped, true)