Hello, here is I would like that player spawn with the skin: mp_m_freemode_01 so that he can customize him later but the skin in the spawn is invisible.
Sorry for my bad english
Hello, here is I would like that player spawn with the skin: mp_m_freemode_01 so that he can customize him later but the skin in the spawn is invisible.
Sorry for my bad english
Got the same problem here. Dunno why.
When respawn, the character is invisble.
If someone have a solution, it would be very welcomed
(If this person get a solution to spawn with the es_customization skin DB save, it’s welcome too
Thanks for help.
To make visible the model “mp_m_freemode_01” or “mp_f_freemode_01”, you must define the skin with a native:
example :
More on Nativedb
Ok I try to get by and find its: void SET_PED_COMPONENT_VARIATION (Any p0, Any p1, Any p2, Any p3,
Any p4) in which file and where is the m?
Nativedb lost regulary their information (look like hacking stuff) like now, so;, you don’t have all information about what you looking for
I have downloaded this few days ago, that probably help you reference.zip (322.2 KB)
Can you just help me for add this script on my folder?
while true do
for i=0,19 do
SetPedComponentVariation(GetPlayerPed(-1), 0, i, 0, 0)
exports.system:Notify(“id:” … i)
Thank you for sharing
Native information is also available on this GitHub
Or add text to make the skin work please?
Yep, but without the comment of user and what they found about usage ect…
In a concrete way dude ?
Would be more simple if you can tell us exactly what to do on what file I’ma beginner trying to understand how all of this scripts works.
Your help is really appreciated
@nynjardin - ok great
SET_PED_COMPONENT_VARIATION(Ped ped, int componentId, int drawableId, int textureId, int paletteId)
Ped - is the ped you want to set the outfit.
ComponentId - ID of the part of the body.
DrawableID - ID of the cloth you want to set.
TextureID - Is the ID of the variation of the cloth. (Variation in the sense of color)
PaletteID - Can be set as 2 or you use (int GET_PED_PALETTE_VARIATION(Ped ped, int componentId))
You can find all Components - drawables and textures on this site
AddEventHandler("playerSpawned", function(spawn)
local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
--SET_PED_COMPONENT_VARIATION(Ped ped, int componentId, int drawableId, int textureId, int paletteId)
SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 0, 0, 0, 2) --Face
SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 2, 11, 4, 2) --Hair
SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 4, 1, 5, 2) -- Pantalon
SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 6, 1, 0, 2) -- Shoes
SetPedComponentVariation(playerPed, 11, 7, 2, 2) -- Jacket
thankj you very much you’re amazing MAN !!! But one question where I should put this script ?
Can you explain ?
There is any way to remove the blue shirt ? Because he f*cked up so much outfits
Hello I would like to know or esque it must place it is line for that to work I am beginner ??? Thank you
go paste that on client.lua in es_freeroam and config you’r player spawn
So thank you it worked but I also had to modify the config.lua as well as the fivem_map_skater. If someone wants a duplicate of document it contacts me I share it!
sorry for my english google Translate x)
Is it possible to put on random hairstyle clothing when first appearing?
thank you guy’s
can you post your configuration ? (client.lua, config.lua ?)
No problem
client.lua (2.5 KB)
config.lua (486 Bytes)
map.lua (73 Bytes)