How do i setup ModelBlacklist

How do i setup the modelblacklist script so i can restrict all the weaponised cars for my server

If you are talking about this script modelblacklist, you need to put each model in the carblacklist.lua file. You can add them in the carblacklist array. For example:

carblacklist = {
    "HYDRA" -- adding hydra too to the list

ah but i need the names for all weaponized cars

Is it hard to use wiki to search for vehicles or use existing anti-cheat resources that have it all listed?

when i did it it how it shows in the example it did not work

Are you sure that you put a “,” (comma) after every entry except the last one?

no i as i was lookin at it i for got them lol now i just need someone how to teach me how to but them behind discord roles