How do I get stuff in my server to make it like GTA Online?

So when I join my server, there is nothing in there. The map is blank, I can’t change my character, I can’t do anything really.

What I want is to have the convenience store, gun shop, Los Santos Customs, clothing store, cell phone, apartments, etc.

Basically I want to make it as close to GTA Online as I can. The only reason I don’t play GTA Online is because me and my friend want a creative mode I guess, so we can spawn in whatever we want.

How do I do this?

No ones really made a gta:o clone, or anything for one, so it would most likely have to be done yourself

it’s your lucky day, someone just released an installer for the esx framework:

Doesn’t work. The command he gave isn’t a recognized batch command, and when I used the start command it just tells me to find a program to open it with.


You could start off by browsing #development:releases and picking on resources you would like to have on your server. In addition, if you are unable to find a resource you are looking for, then your best bet is to make it yourself. Being unique and not a copy & paste server really differentiates between the good and the poorly made servers.

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Do you use windows or linux? This script is for linux, you need to put the file into the root/user folder of your server and then write bash, I just tested it, works fine.

I use Windows. Is there anything I can do for that?

I’m not really trying to be a public server, just something me and a friend can screw around on with mods and not get banned.

Most of the resources there won’t appear on my server either.

you can start with installing a server side trainer, like the mello trainer.

or install a turnkey framework like this one, (you can remove resources you dont need)