How do i change original blip names and add custom blips

İ want to open a new server and it’ll my first server. And i want to add custom blips and change existing ones name. How do i change original blip names and add custom blips


SetBlipSprite(blip, intSprite) -- set blip's "icon"

AddTextComponentString(stringText) -- set blip's "name"

Stock FiveM has no blips. You can add your own with the code above but you probably want to see a release to understand how to do so. You can modify the points in this release to add any you’d like:


I have the same question as the OP, but for me I am trying to change the blip name for the Car Dealership in esx_vehicleshop

So I am (i think at least) in the correct file which is main.lua and I see this:

-- Create Blips
Citizen.CreateThread(function ()
	local blip = AddBlipForCoord(Config.Zones.ShopEntering.Pos.x, Config.Zones.ShopEntering.Pos.y, Config.Zones.ShopEntering.Pos.z)

	SetBlipSprite (blip, 326)
	SetBlipDisplay(blip, 4)
	SetBlipScale  (blip, 1.0)
	SetBlipAsShortRange(blip, true)


main.lua (254.3 KB)

My question is, do I change anything here or what do I do?

That’s the magic bit. Look in your locales folder and open the file up that has the two letter language abbreviation that you’re using and look for [‘car_dealer’] = then change the bit after the = sign to whatever you’d like.

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Woah @schwim you’re a magician man, You’re the best! Thank you :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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how to use it ? and how to do ?

[RELEASE] Custom Blips Maps Fivem look this is very easy

just paste it in client.lua

Bot how do i change the LS customs name because i look in everyfile and can not find any names to change or anything i have looked everywhere

Most likely the language file for whatever resource you’re running that’s creating the blip.


You usually put this in your client script in a thread that gets started when the client.lua starts up.