How do i add multiple Police Departaments?

Hello, so how do i add multiple departaments?

depends how you mean by multiple departments

Multiple locations of it

so if your talking about the same force but different buildings you would need to write extra location x , y , z positions to clock in areas so its about finding coordinates and writing taking what you already have so your clock in position and then creating multiple in other parts of the city. :slight_smile:

	Blip = {
		Coords  = vector3(425.1, -979.5, 30.7),
		Sprite  = 60,
		Display = 4,
		Scale   = 1.2,
		Colour  = 29

How for example i need to put second cordinates here?

blips are mainly for map markers so that’s only for icons on map

so depending if you run your script with a config file or not you would do something like this

local dutyPos = {
{x=457.666809082031, y=-991.062133789063, z=31.6896057128906},

{x=824.968566894531, y=-1290.16088867188, z=29.2406558990479},

{x=1853.36462402344, y=3687.23071289063, z=35.2670822143555},

{x=2112.3696289063, y=2932.1657714844, z=-61.101901245117},


that creates a table of positions

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Well i found better soluton, i just duplicated and renamed departaments in Config File.

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