How configure a linux server ?!

Hi guys,
I have a f***g problem, I have a latest update of CitizenMP but CitizenMP is not functional now so I try to install a new server with basical linux files of FiveM but I don’t understand how can I install this on my server, I use this command “cd path/to/fxs && tar xf fx.tar.xz” but it’s not functional and I think I have install xz-utils but that’s not functional again sooooo, i don’t know how can I do…

If you know how to do this, pls, explain me in details ^^

Thank you for your futur help :slight_smile:

PS: Sorry for my english, i’m french :confused:

hi, here cya


And did you change path/to/fxs to the actual path off the fx.tar.xz?