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these command could probably help you. ;D

-- Server script
RegisterCommand('cleardogs', function()
    local source = source
    local c,peds = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(source)),GetAllPeds()
    for k,v in pairs()do 
        local p = GetEntityCoords(v)
        if #(c-p) < 25.0 then
            local model = GetEntityModel(v)
            if model == GetHashKey('a_c_chop') or GetHashKey('a_c_coyote') or GetHashKey('a_c_husky') or GetHashKey('a_c_retriever') or GetHashKey('a_c_rottweiler') or GetHashKey('a_c_shepherd') then
end, false)

thank you so so much !!!

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i dont know why but i have a problem look photo

It tells you in the error - pairs() needs something to iterate over.

It should be:

for k,v in pairs(peds) do 

it works ! thank so so much for both of you

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