Hosting server and website with OVH?

Hi, I never used OVH before, but there prices are atractive.

I would like to know if I can host my FiveM server, my DB and my website with the offer “VPS SSD2” without problem ?

Or is it better to take the VPS Cloud …?
I’m lost there are too much choices and I don’t really know what I’ll need

Thank you

Nah, the ‘VPS SSD2’ should be enough to start out.

can vps ssd2 able to run the server smoothly if its full not sure what would be good enough for a full server?

That only depends on network connectivity, not CPU/RAM/…

I wouldl like to be prepared for the futur 32 slots limit. And I will host my website in same time, so ss2 isn’t enought ?

Edit: Didn’t seen that roboticgamer post was a question llol
I’ll take the SSD2 offer, I still can upgrade it if it not enought, np

then whats the point of getting more ram and ssd then? sorry am a noob am trying to understand what will able to run a full server smoothly.