Hmm Not returning damaged bone?

Hey everyone, i was playing around with the GetPedLastDamagedBone native but it does not seem to return the bone even through it is returning true. here is the code ive written:

	local outBone = nil
	while true do
		ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		r = GetPedLastDamageBone(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), outBone)
		if r then
			TriggerEvent("YTBase:Notify", 'Damaged Bone: '..tostring(outBone)..' ( '..tostring(r)..' )')

Anyhelp on this greatly appreciated

			if CurrentHealth ~= GetEntityHealth(CurrentPed) then
				local _, bone = GetPedLastDamageBone(CurrentPed)
				local BodyPart = FindBodyPart(bone)

Works fine for me :thinking:

Thanks dude, your

did the trick! Thank you

To go into more detail, LUA does not support pointers.

local bone
local success = GetPedLastDamageBone(ped,bone)

This just copied the value of bone when calling the function, you’re just giving GetPedLastDamageBone nil as the 2nd argument, not giving it anything relating to the address of the bone variable, because LUA doesn’t support that like in C.

With any function that returns a pointer in C++'s version of the natives, FiveM makes a pointer for you and returns the result, resulting in what you did being correct. The first value doesn’t need to be an underscore though, you can still use it to make sure a valid bone was returned.

local success,bone = GetPedLastDamageBone(ped)
if success then
  -- do something with bone
  -- couldn't get the bone, uh oh
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Thanks for your input and it being very accurate. +1 for additional info