Hitch Warning Issue

I currently have a problem, I’ve been running a FiveM Server with OneSync (100 slots).

Between 6 PM and 11 PM, my server reached 100 players, it was running perfectly fine until 10 PM.

My server started to lag for no reason, I know there most be a problem with a script but first, why would it start randomly?

How I can debug this ?

I’ve tried to check if a client script was doing something with resmon 1 but no chance…

I also tried to trace it with etwtraces but no chance…

DB was running with 2 ms latency, script is generally running with 200-300 ms latency.

but when this problem started, my hitch warning increased to 20000 ms +

Thank you for your help !

To find the source of the hitch warnings you can get an ETL.

If your server is on Windows get an ETL Speeding up your Server 101 (Windows)

If you are using Linux, you’re out of luck unfortunately.

It doesnt seems to work properly, I’m getting a lot of 200-300ms hitch warning right now

I did a trace and the ressource with the most duration (ms) is vMenu tick with 1.0642 (ms)

I don’t know why it doesn’t appear on the ETL trace

An ETL trace is for checking the amount of time it takes for a server side tick to complete, so you wouldn’t see any anomolies from the client on the server