Hide radar and only display the health bar

Just put it in a client.lua and then start the client.lua in the __ressource.lua ? Like any the script?

Can you please recommend some docs where can I find functions like that?

Just search for fiveM documentation or fiveM wiki or somthing else on google. But that code i posted works 100% for me, just tried it again

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Can you show me a screenshot of your radar? I want to see if it’s a problem with my server or smth


It looks like this when i am not in a car. Custom UI btw

That is what I’m searching for, did you develop that for yourself or you found some plugin that builds a custom health bar?

Build it myself. Html, css and Lua

Can you please pass me the files? Or make a release? It would be much appreciated.

It’s for my own server :wink:

But i used the smart search function on the forums, maybe you can use this

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Okay, thanks :slight_smile: . (20 chars)

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Psst mark it as solved then :slight_smile:

It didn’t solve my “problem”, that plugin is made of dll files, I can’t make it show any health bar :frowning:

If you are using vRP then it comes with a health bar

I’m using ESX

I get this with foodhud.

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Then it should work? Just change the position in the html and css part?

yes but those are the hunger and thirst bars :frowning:
I can’t decompile the dll files and edit the code to make it show the health that a player has instead of the hunger because I’m not a programmer.
Anyways, I think there is no solution for my problem.

I am back from vacation tomorrow then i’ll send you some code that might help you :wink: just send me a pm so i dont forget it :slight_smile:


Thank you. (20 chars)

__resource.lua from ???