Hidden Stash Script [+FREE Lockpick Script and Props]

Hidden Stash – Secret Storage System

:white_check_mark: VORP, REDEM:RP, RSG, QBR, QR

Take your survival and roleplay to the next level with Hidden Stash! This immersive script allows players to securely hide and manage items anywhere on the map while introducing an element of strategy and risk.

πŸ”’ Create Stashes Anywhere

:package: Item & Weapon Storage – Deposit items and weapons into your stash for safekeeping.
:key: Lock & Unlock Stashes – Ensure your stash is safe with lockable functionality.
:hammer_and_wrench: Hide & Recover with a Shovel – Conceal your stash underground and dig it back up when needed.
:briefcase: Treasure Hunting – Discover and dig up stashes hidden by other players using your shovel.
:round_pushpin: Personalized Blips – Only you can see the blip marking your stash’s location, ensuring privacy and discretion.
:no_entry_sign: Restricted Areas – Maintain server balance by disallowing stash placement in key areas.
:wastebasket: Remove Stashes – Clear out your stashes when they’re no longer needed.

πŸ”“ Lockpick Stashes

FREE Lockpick Script

You can change the lockpick script easily in the config

πŸ“¦ Custom Props

Free Custom Props for the stashes from West Life Studios

Preview: Youtube

You can buy the script from TEBEX for 9€ (without taxes)

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 750+ |
| Requirements | jo_libs |
| Support | Yes |

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