Hi i need help with a FiveM server license

Resolved live-internal.fivem.net:30110 to
Found new resource first_spawn in C:/Users\Administrator\Desktop\FXServer2/resources//first_spawn
Resource loading for first_spawn failed:
Could not open resourceStacktrace:

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

metadata file citizen:/scripting/lua/json.lua.
Found new resource fivem in C:/Users\Administrator\Desktop\FXServer2/resources//fivem
Resource loading for fivem failed:
Could not open resource metadata file citizen:/scripting/lua/json.lua.
Found new resource fivem-awe

←[31mFXServer crashed.←[0m
A minidump can be found at C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\FXServer2\crashes\5074860e-471e-44ce-a97a-a2b0e6c78af5.dm
Crash report ID: ae2ba667-5d8b-44df-9ba5-ce12484e6769
can anyone help me with this error

this has nothing to do with the server license, make sure you are using the latest artifacts.

what DO U MEAN

Are you on the latest server version?

yes I am

can you go into a little more detail