Help Wont Let Me Conect

hi when ever i try and join a server this is what i get and its only today
can someone help please

do you have steam running in the background?

Yes but i use disk For GTA Not Steam

doesn’t matter just have steam running

It does matter, not purchasing the game through Steam is what’s causing this error. This is happening to many people, including me.

Yet it works fine for almost everyone who doesn’t use a Steam copy of the game, too? The server authentication works with Source SDK Base 2007, not the GTA V app ID.

Have you ever played a Source game before?

Yes, I’ve played a Source game before. I was just stating that everyone that I’ve encountered that is also having this problem don’t own the game on Steam. Thanks for helping though, very appreciated :+1: Anyway, this only happens for a couple servers, so I’m assuming it’s something to do with the way those servers are set up.

For anyone still having this problem, try installing Source SDK 2007 from Steam, it seems to solve the issue.