Help with setting up ESX

I am new to ESX, I host my server off of zaphosting. I finally got it to work, but ran into a few problems. It seems like anyone can make themselves admin or do whatever as long as they have the information to type in chat (/setadmingroup or whatever it is). Is there a way to stop that and only make certain people admin?

I also cant seem to find out the police job like searching inventory and all that

For some reason, the money washing location isnt coming up (I looked behind the building on 68 and couldnt seem to find it)

When I go to revive someone, it shows my hex ID in the text chat

Not very important, but is there a way to modify the paycheck amount?

Thank you, any help is greatly appreciated!

Paycheck amount should be in your database.

Scripthookenabled put it to 0

What problems will this fix? Just so I know what I need to keep looking for

You want to modify the paycheck for every job, correct?

And in the server.cfg there should be something called scripthook, turn that off by putting 0 instead of 1

I found the paycheck amounts and I am turning off scripthook now. Im just asking if that will fix all of my issues or just some of them? As I said, im new to all of this, so I apologize for all the questions

We all have been there so no problem :wink: It just take time to learn it. But in the first place try to turn it off. Can you maybe provide at picture of your database -> users -> and see if they have the admin rank and so on

Are you referring to my sql database?

If you want to set yourself as a “superadmin” put group as “superadmin” and permission_level on 10

Okay thank you. Now, how can I prevent people from giving themselves admin? Is it possible. Also, one last question, how do you wash dirty money? For the life of me I can’t find where to do it. Again, I apologize for all the questions and REALLY appreciate the help. I’m slowly learning how to do this stuff, just sometimes don’t have patience and need help. Haha

Dont worry about asking, I’ll try my best to answar them. Everything you need should be in here

Moneywash is “esx_moneywash”

And can you tell me how they give themselve the admin rank?

I should probably mention I’m assuming anyone can give themselves admin. The reason i think this is because when I first set it up in the server, a friend and I were testing stuff out. In the text chat you can do /setadmin id number/level. And it changes it. When I tried it, I was not admin at the time, but was able to give it to myself.

Sounds weird, but as i can see he shouldnt be able to do that…

I’ll have another person try it and see what happens.

With the money was, I didn’t see it in that link you sent but I did find one in a google search, but when I installed it, I would go to it and try to wash money. But it would do nothing afterwards. Like the menu would go away, but no money was take or “washed”

This is the one I found, is it right? [Release] [ESX] esx_moneywash

You can try it out. As i can see is it disconnected which means it isnt update. But try it out :wink:

Thats the one I did try, but wouldnt work correctly. Probably because it isnt up to date. But its the only one I can find. Do you know of another one? Supposedly ESX_society is supposed to have money washing in it? But i cant seem to find out how to do it.

The money wash system for ESX - is based on the jobs that have society accounts and they will show up into the account itself after a configured time in each job - aka ESX_Mecano or even the Police - with the right rank you can access it.