HELP with lock/unlock for police cars that have no DB

Hey guy i have currently ESX-VehicleLock and its all working fine with civ cars but i have an issue due to me taking out the police cars shop and the CALL to insert it into the DB does anyone know how to edit and put in a feature for if lets say job states POLICE than can lock vehicles with the plate “POLICE”

Was thinking instead of an edit to vehicle lock doing this

MySQL.Async.fetchAll(‘SELECT owner FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner = @owner AND plate = @plate’, {

    ['@owner'] = identifier,

    ['@plate'] = plate

}, function(result)

    if result[1] then

        cb(result[1].owner == identifier)






Is there a possible way to make it read job_grade for police and a function for the plate text ‘POLICE’??

Any help would be appreciated as i am only new to coding.

Fixed Made my own lock script for policejob

Did you edit original script or make a new one?