[Help] VRP_showroom v3.0

Hi, I tried to install vrp_showroom v3.0 on my server but i have an error on my console:

Error loading script server.lua in resource vrp_showroom: @vrp_showroom/server.lua:74: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘createCommand’)
stack traceback:
@vrp_showroom/server.lua:74: in main chunk
Failed to load script server.lua.

I opened the server.lua file to see what s going on and i saw that it has a problem with my sql
– vehicle db / garage and lscustoms compatibility
MySQL.createCommand(“vRP/showroom_columns”, [[
ALTER TABLE vrp_user_vehicles ADD IF NOT EXISTS veh_type varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘default’;
ALTER TABLE vrp_user_vehicles ADD IF NOT EXISTS vehicle_plate varchar(255) NOT NULL;

MySQL.createCommand(“vRP/add_custom_vehicle”,“INSERT IGNORE INTO vrp_user_vehicles(user_id,vehicle,vehicle_plate,veh_type) VALUES(@user_id,@vehicle,@vehicle_plate,@veh_type)”)
MySQL.createCommand(“vRP/select_veh_plate”,“SELECT * FROM vrp_user_vehicles”)

MySQL.createCommand(“vRP/getstock”,“SELECT * FROM vrp_showroom”)
MySQL.createCommand(“vRP/addmasinalipsa”,“INSERT IGNORE INTO vrp_showroom(masina,stock) VALUES(@masina,@stock)”)
MySQL.createCommand(“vRP/showroomdbver”,“SELECT * FROM vrp_showroom WHERE masina = @masina”)
MySQL.createCommand(“vRP/setstock”,“UPDATE vrp_showroom SET stock = @stock WHERE masina = @masina”)

MySQL.createCommand(“vRP/setpricevehicleonvehicleasdsasd”,“UPDATE vrp_user_vehicles SET price=@price,numemasina=@numemasina,garaj = @garajdela WHERE vehicle_plate=@vehicle_plate”)

local data = [[
ALTER TABLE vrp_user_vehicles ADD IF NOT EXISTS veh_type varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘default’ ;
ALTER TABLE vrp_user_vehicles ADD IF NOT EXISTS vehicle_plate varchar(11) NOT NULL;

MySQL.ready(function ()
MySQL.Async.execute(data,{}, function(data)end)
I tried to insert this manually but somewhere there it says that it need to select something from the database vrp_showroom. I tried googling it but i didn’t find anything online. Can u guys help me?

did you fix it ? i have the same

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