[Help] Streaming Trees

How can I stream trees to the client side? E.g I want Legion Square type trees to be invisible or deleted. I have been all over the internet and haven’t had any luck with this.

From my knowledge you can’t delete vanilla objects without edited game files themselves. I make map mods myself and know you can’t without editing gam files :frowning:. To stream a map mod make sure its a YMAP and have a look in these resources for more info. Download the files and explore them. :slight_smile:

Hmm. That does not seem what I have been looking for, but thanks. I have seen that there are some servers that do not have trees in popular places of the city or in the city at all. I’m guessing it is specific map that I need to find.

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You could always create a script that detects the trees at certain coordinates and deletes them client side.