[HELP] Setting up FXserver

I’m trying to update my FXserver to a new version but i cant, i followed this tutorial but idk what i’ve did wrong.

I downloaded the latest artifacts server, then i extracted and downloaded cfx-server-data-master and renamed it to server-data. I’ve created run.cmd inside server-data folder and put this inside “start …\run.cmd +exec server.cfg” the server started fine but i cant connect even in direct connect. Server.cfg is exctly like https://docs.fivem.net/server-manual/setting-up-a-server/ here showed, i’ve changed only the key.
Here are print of my files:
Server running

Inside server-data

Inside server folder

I have other server running on this machine that works fine

connect by typing and if you want your server show up port forward or USE vps

I’m using a vps, the last edit i did on my post said: I have other server running on this machine that works fine

That doesn’t look like a VPS, that looks like Windows.

It could be a Windows Server VPS?

Your startup console logs look pretty much right. Does it hang or crash? What happens when you attempt to connect to it? Did you open port 30120/tcp through Windows Firewall? 30110/tcp needs opened outbound too.

i have 2 serves on using 30120 and 30121 ports, i opened a server using 30122 port with my old fxserver version, worked fine! but when i update to the new version, i cant get it to work

i dont get any errors, nothing. the server just dont appears in direct connect, if i connect using F8 and “connect ‘ip’” i dont get any response

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