[Help] Script keeps saying that Config is nil

Hello. Here are my files:


Config = {}
Config.Locale = "en"
Config.IncludeCash = true -- Include cash in inventory?
Config.IncludeWeapons = true -- Include weapons in inventory?
Config.IncludeAccounts = false -- Include accounts (bank, black money, ...)?
Config.ExcludeAccountsList = {"bank"} -- List of accounts names to exclude from inventory
Config.OpenControl = 289 -- Key for opening inventory. Edit html/js/config.js to change key for closing it.

Config.Limit = 15000

Config.WeightSqlBased = false
-- Default weight for an item:
-- weight == 0 : The item do not affect character inventory weight
-- weight > 0 : The item cost place on inventory
-- weight < 0 : The item add place on inventory. Smart people will love it.
Config.DefaultWeight = 0

Config.localWeight = {
    bread = 0,
    water = 0,
    WEAPON_SMG = 0,
    scrapmetal = 5000

Beginning of the server.lua

ESX = nil

local arrayWeight = Config.localWeight -- Why is this nil?

		ESX = obj


resource_manifest_version "44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937"

description 'ESX Inventory HUD'

version '1.1'

ui_page 'html/ui.html'

client_scripts {

server_scripts {
