[Help] Removing Camera Limit from Rockstar editor in FiveM / Loading Custom addon fivem feh's in vanilla r* editor

Hey guys! I’m in a bit of a pickle!

I’ve always used the mod here:

What this mod does is that it allows us to remove the camera limits so that you can perform long shots! It works like a charm, however, there’s a catch:
It ONLY works in singleplayer mode because it’s a script; Now - (As a heads up, my server has scripthook disabled), BUT I’ve added a few add on cars, and it looks like when I record that in fiveM, the vanilla game doesn’t know how to handle this add on mod; (Which I can understand) and the car shows up invisible. I’d still like to use the no-restrictions mod, so what I’m trying to ask is:

Is there ANY way to be able to remove the rockstar editor camera restrictions in fiveM


Is there any way to get the add-on cars to show up (when recording them in fiveM) within the vanilla rockstar editor?

Either of these achieves the same thing - bomb ass camera angles!
Hope you can help!
Thanks! :slight_smile:


Alrighty! So it looks like my issue has been solved for this by doing the following:
Navigate to your Appdata/local directory. Absolute path is as follows:
C:\Users[Replaceusername]\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM Application Data

(Replace [Replaceusername] with your actual windows username below!)

Once you’ve gotten to that folder, I want you to create a new directory (if it doesn’t exist) called “plugins!” From there, I want you to drop the opencamerav.asi file in there, and start fivem!

This should take care of ya!
Link to openasv:

(Taken from: https://openiv.com/?p=1160) >> Scroll down and you’ll find the same link!

Link to clear cache for fivem:

Have fun players! Cheers!


I doubt but do this work on server with scripthook disabled?

Yep! On my test server, I’m able to leverage this without any scripthooking enabled at all! This happens to load client side, but please know that once you enter the rockstar editor from fiveM, you will NOT be able to leave it without restarting fiveM. AKA you have to quit and restart;


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Yes - Plugins! is a typo. You should make sure to just type Plugins (without the !)

Edit: Remember, you have to use the editor in FIVEM meaning that if you have your own server, download a plugin like this:

Or (untested), try it from the fivem home screen!

Year old topic