[HELP] Remove Button vdk_inventory

Hey, I need help to add remove button for vdk-inventory pleaze

Hello, is in the vdkinv.lua,

function ItemMenu(itemId)
    MenuTitle = "Details:"
    Menu.addButton("Utiliser", "use", itemId) -- You can remove this
    Menu.addButton("Donner", "give", itemId) -- and this

Thanks man and have you got a short cut to open / close vehicle with vehcontrol pleaze ?

You may use M to open vehcontrol

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Yes but a short cut to direcly open / close car (whitout open vehcontrol menu)

It’s U for me :slight_smile: You can change this in the client file ^^

Ok thanks i look now

Arg … In my vehcontrol i haven’t got any client file only that http://imgur.com/a/ylpcL

I have write this:

function ItemMenu(itemId)
MenuTitle = “Details:”
Menu.addButton(“Supprimer”, “remove”, itemId)
Menu.addButton(“Donner”, “give”, itemId)

But doesn’t work

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