[Help] pNotify help

i want to edit the esx_outlawalert show the notification with pNotify but i dont know how to call the value from the Eventhandler to the text

AddEventHandler('esx_outlawalert:combatInProgress', function(targetCoords, streetName, playerGender)
	if playerGender == 0 then
		playerGender = _U('male')
		playerGender = _U('female')
   TriggerEvent("pNotify:SetQueueMax", source, "lmao", 5)
				TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", source, {
					text = "Combat in"  ,
					type = "success",
					progressBar = false,
					queue = "lmao",
					timeout = 2000,
					layout = "CenterLeft"

where i can call the targetCoords streetName playerGender to the text ?

You call it like anything else, try add some prints like the below and see what the results even are.

print("Coords: " .. targetCoords)
print("Street: " .. streetName)
print("Gender: " .. playerGender)

The forms of the data types your calling might be wrong…

how i can edit this event to pNotify TriggerEvent('esx_phone:registerNumber', 'police', _U('alert_police'), true, true)

exports.pNotify:SendNotification({text = _U('alert_police'), type = "error", layout = "centerLeft", timeout = 2000})

is this correct ?

TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification",  source, {text = "text here", type = "error", timeout = 5000, layout = "bottomCenter"})

this is useless dude. it just a simple text

This is the simply trigger in the server.lua

_U(‘alert_police’) you can use that in the code I sent you

So i need edit the TriggerEvent('esx_phone:registerNumber', 'police', _U('alert_police'), true, true)

TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification",  source, {text = _U('alert_police'), type = "error", timeout = 5000, layout = "bottomCenter"})

right ?

i have problem. instead of show the nofity to police. it show to all player? how to fix it?

This topic already solved!. pls close it. i need create new topic to ask new question

Your ‘new’ topic is the same as this. You asked the same question as what you posted above:

Can u explain how to fix this? U will help me out with this, and allot of other poeple that wants notifications from pNotify.