[Help Please] Setting Spawn Location

I am having the same issue but when I edit the files it pulls a new file from the fivem repository and resets them to all the random cords. I was told by my host to check out https://docs.fivem.net/docs/resources/spawnmanager/ but I just don’t understand how to edit it to fix the random spawns.

and how to disable that script ? coz i follow Faxes directons and didnt work for me

Can you copy both your files and send them to me please because after i die i respawn in a random location. Unless you know a fix.

editing those map locations DOES NOT work. i have changed them and it still spawn all players in a random spot.

how do i get my spawn loctaion ready

You can set your First spawn point in your sql file in the users table change position default to custom text and input your coords like this.

{“x”:00.000, “y”:00.000,“z”:00.000,“heading”:00.00}