[Help] Noob Problem with ESX InventoryHUD

im really new to this kinda stuff, just dove straight in and rn im having a problem where when i press F2 to open the menu, another menu pops up. i pasted the line from the install instructions. idk whats this other menu is apart of.
also it tells me “item will be thrown in 5 minutes” when i try to drop something, any tips?

What kinda menu, any screenshots?

the menu on the right hand side keeps popping up and idk which resource it is. i tried to remove addoninventory but it didnt get rid of that menu.

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oh ok, seems easy, Remove the resource esx_inventoryhud, and its start, should be fine. or do you need the original part of the backhud removed. if so use this: goto es_extended client/main.lua remove all of this or comment it

	while true do


		if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys['F2']) and IsInputDisabled(0) and not isDead and not ESX.UI.Menu.IsOpen('default', 'es_extended', 'inventory') then

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Take a look at es extended, itt sure be there


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