[Help] Log console


I do not know if there was a change of console but a few days ago I had server logs in my console and now it’s I have client logs and server logs. It’s horrible when we have an error in a script.

Someone has an idea how to disable log clients ??


No one has an answer?

There weren’t ever server logs in the game console?

Before had just the script errors in my console and now I have plenty of stuff like this:


The problem is that to find the errors it complicates ^^

No one has an answer?

I up this topic because I don’t have solution to resolve my problem

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I don’t think there’s a “solution”. As far as I know, this behaviour is because of the new console.

I agree that the console logging everything can be annoying when trying to debug scrips but, it can be useful in some cases. There might be a " fix" in a later release of the client however, I would expect it to be high up on the priority list.


Don’t know why you decided to ask this on a three year old thread but

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