[HELP] How to modify melee damage?

Hi there,

Is there any possible way to change the damage for unarmed, knife, bat etc. in the metadata files instead of using a script with natives?

I’m wondering if anybody found a solution for this. I’ve been trying to use the following data files: WEAPONINFO_FILE WEAPONINFO_FILE_PATCH.

Best Regards,

Hey, I don’t think that it is possible to change the damage in metadata files. But why aren’t you simply using the natives in a script?

I could do that but I was wondering is there was some way to do it in the metadata files because it will not have to load the script every single frame or everytime somebody hit eachother.

Best Regards,

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Necromancin’ Dancin’.

I’ve been researching this, so if anyone has anything to add that’d be great, otherwise I may either post back here or make a tutorial if I figure out a not-using-natives way to do this.

Hey :slightly_smiling_face: !
I stumbled onto a post talking about that last time.

Is there any possible way to change the damage for unarmed, knife, bat etc. in the metadata files instead of using a script with natives?

I figure out a not-using-natives way to do this.


I’ve got a post here about what we are trying to achieve.