[HELP] How to get the current keybind of a registered keymap?

I recommend reading through this guide by @matahombres, it’s how I first learned that this was even possible!

But to answer the question right here and now, you essentially use the GetControlInstructionalButton native, and then use its output to figure out what the key is.

I’ll leave a snippet below of how I’ve done it in the past, it’s based on the code shown in the guide mentioned above. It must be noted that the specialkeyCodes table is not complete, so you’ll find some keys that haven’t been added yet.

local specialkeyCodes = {
    ['b_100'] = 'LMB', -- Left Mouse Button
    ['b_101'] = 'RMB', -- Right Mouse Button
    ['b_102'] = 'MMB', -- Middle Mouse Button
    ['b_103'] = 'Mouse.ExtraBtn1',
    ['b_104'] = 'Mouse.ExtraBtn2',
    ['b_105'] = 'Mouse.ExtraBtn3',
    ['b_106'] = 'Mouse.ExtraBtn4',
    ['b_107'] = 'Mouse.ExtraBtn5',
    ['b_108'] = 'Mouse.ExtraBtn6',
    ['b_109'] = 'Mouse.ExtraBtn7',
    ['b_110'] = 'Mouse.ExtraBtn8',
    ['b_115'] = 'MouseWheel.Up',
    ['b_116'] = 'MouseWheel.Down',
    ['b_130'] = 'NumSubstract',
    ['b_131'] = 'NumAdd',
    ['b_134'] = 'Num Multiplication',
    ['b_135'] = 'Num Enter',
    ['b_137'] = 'Num1',
    ['b_138'] = 'Num2',
    ['b_139'] = 'Num3',
    ['b_140'] = 'Num4',
    ['b_141'] = 'Num5',
    ['b_142'] = 'Num6',
    ['b_143'] = 'Num7',
    ['b_144'] = 'Num8',
    ['b_145'] = 'Num9',
    ['b_170'] = 'F1',
    ['b_171'] = 'F2',
    ['b_172'] = 'F3',
    ['b_173'] = 'F4',
    ['b_174'] = 'F5',
    ['b_175'] = 'F6',
    ['b_176'] = 'F7',
    ['b_177'] = 'F8',
    ['b_178'] = 'F9',
    ['b_179'] = 'F10',
    ['b_180'] = 'F11',
    ['b_181'] = 'F12',
    ['b_182'] = 'F13',
    ['b_183'] = 'F14',
    ['b_184'] = 'F15',
    ['b_185'] = 'F16',
    ['b_186'] = 'F17',
    ['b_187'] = 'F18',
    ['b_188'] = 'F19',
    ['b_189'] = 'F20',
    ['b_190'] = 'F21',
    ['b_191'] = 'F22',
    ['b_192'] = 'F23',
    ['b_193'] = 'F24',
    ['b_194'] = 'Arrow Up',
    ['b_195'] = 'Arrow Down',
    ['b_196'] = 'Arrow Left',
    ['b_197'] = 'Arrow Right',
    ['b_198'] = 'Delete',
    ['b_199'] = 'Escape',
    ['b_200'] = 'Insert',
    ['b_201'] = 'End',
    ['b_210'] = 'Delete',
    ['b_211'] = 'Insert',
    ['b_212'] = 'End',
    ['b_1000'] = 'Shift',
    ['b_1002'] = 'Tab',
    ['b_1003'] = 'Enter',
    ['b_1004'] = 'Backspace',
    ['b_1009'] = 'PageUp',
    ['b_1008'] = 'Home',
    ['b_1010'] = 'PageDown',
    ['b_1012'] = 'CapsLock',
    ['b_1013'] = 'Control',
    ['b_1014'] = 'Right Control',
    ['b_1015'] = 'Alt',
    ['b_1055'] = 'Home',
    ['b_1056'] = 'PageUp',
    ['b_2000'] = 'Space'

function GetKeyLabel(commandHash)
    local key = GetControlInstructionalButton(0, commandHash | 0x80000000, true)
    if string.find(key, "t_") then
        local label, _count = string.gsub(key, "t_", "")
        return label
        return specialkeyCodes[key] or "unknown"

And then you can use it like this:

local keyLabel = GetKeyLabel(`crouch`)