Does anyone know how to make the game show up the full text?
I’m trying to translate most of esx (example esx_jobs)
for example in-game show Job Center, I translate it to Công Việc but it’s only show Công Vic
so is there any way to fix it?
@DarkRainbowX In your text editor change text coding to utf-8. For polish characters it works, but i don’t know it will works in your case
But does it show up in game?
@DarkRainbowX You must change text coding and resave file
My text editor already set utf8 as default so I don’t think my text editor is causing problem
@DarkRainbowX this characters is Vietnamese?
Yeah it is
@DarkRainbowX Okey change set it to utf-8 boom delete all special characters, then translate it again. When you do this save it.
@DarkRainbowX Okey, i get it in utf-8 you dosn’t have a ệ character.
Trying all possible options here lol
@DarkRainbowX Change coding to unicode, I think it will works
I will try to change utf8 to Unicode in Visual studio
okey. am waiting
I can’t find a way to change it to Unicode but changed to windows1258 and it a lot more worse
@DarkRainbowX try other coding, maybe it will works
Thanks for supporting me man, but still not work, I think it’s because the game not code editor
How i can use a it.lua file?
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