[HELP] Ems location dead not sending

As you can see in the video, if I send a message from the phone, the EMS does receive the message, but if I die and send it from death, it does not receive anything and hardly reports an error.

tanks for reading and sorry for my english

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Try to replace the funcion called sendDistressSignal for:

function SendDistressSignal()
	local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
	local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)

	ESX.ShowNotification('Distress sent')
	TriggerServerEvent('esx_phone:send' , 'ambulance' , 'Civil inconsciente.' , false , {
		x = coords.x,
		y = coords.y,
		z = coords.z

I tried that one, it didn’t work either, but I already fixed it

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